Saturday, November 03, 2007

a BT Cat

-----------From BT intranet, the cat looks pretty similar with mine.

Jolyon, a service solutions manager with BT Global Services in Cambridge, said: there has been a lot of comment and discussion about the replacement of the 'free shares' with 'free BT broadband'.
When my free broadband was activated, one member of our feline family, six-month-old Amber, was very pleased with the change.
Amber loves boxes and bags, and within seconds of the hub being taken out of the box, she claimed ownership, and has been using it ever since.
However, as she is rapidly growing (as kittens do), it is a bit on the small side now, although she does persevere. I think she is as pleased with the box as we are with getting 8meg broadband. It also shows we do our bit for recycling.
We have five cats in total: Amber (six months), Jack and Lois (five years), Belle (seven years) and Rose (eight years), plus two dogs, George, a Cocker Spaniel who is five years old and Max, a Cairn terrier who is 11 years old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here’s a Broadband Video that will show you how to check availability by postcode, how perform a broadband speed test and where to find broadband forums to answer your questions. There are also offers for BT Broadband.

Here is a broadband beginners guide and below are common broad band questions;
What is Broadband?
Types of Connections?
Connection speeds and download limits
How to compare ISP’s